
You’re probably here for The Mini Vinny Project. I lost 63 pounds in one year using Ketogenic Diet and Intermittent Fasting in collaboration with The Fit Lab.  Click through to see how I did it!

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I am a biomedical scientist specializing in the pulmonary vasculature (blood vessels of the lung), currently working as a Postdoc at UC San Diego.

In my Ph.D., I studied sedentary couch potatoes (totally me), elite athletes, and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). We exercise test in order to stress the heart and lungs to uncover underlying pathology.

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Chris C, Long Beach, CA USA

I had never heard of keto until I started to work with Vince.  I had been on another diet that initially worked but then I hit a wall. The reason being, I hated the food so I would end up cheating a lot, especially on the weekends.  In explaining this to Vince, he promoted how the keto meal plan was much more flexible in terms of what I could eat, as long as I could give up carbs.  Vince helped me plan out easy meals that I could throw together quickly which was a huge benefit.  His knowledge of electrolytes was also very important for the keto diet.  The first week was a little rough but Vince was there to answer questions and help me get through the “keto flu”.  I bought a couple cookbooks to expand the meals I was eating and quickly got into a good routine.  I ended up losing around 16 lbs in the first 6 weeks (which included occasionally cheating on the weekends).  I have kept the weight off for the last 3.5 months through my wedding and honeymoon and now plan to continue eating low carb with Vince’s help.

Brad B, Edmonton, AB Canada

Dr. Vince Tedjasaputra and I worked together for many years in Canada. When Vince began his weight-loss journey, he encouraged me to join him. He provided me with information from his own weight-loss success, as well as combined with information he had gathered from academic sources. During graduate school, I had gained a lot of weight and found it difficult to become motivated enough to initiate lifestyle change; especially being so busy with my studies. However, having a friend there to keep me accountable, share recipes with, and go through the ups and downs together, helped me to lose up to 25 pounds.

Following the ketogenic diet under counsel of Dr. Tedjasaputra, I noted increased energy and alertness, as well as a positive change in effect. It helped me to be more conscious of what I was putting into my body. While I am currently not on the ketogenic diet, what I learned from Vince has continued to help me. Seeing Vince’s continued success, and remembering the multiple benefits I personally experienced while on the Ketogenic diet, I feel that I am ready to begin my journey with the Ketogenic diet again. I know that Vince will be there to help me along the way, just like before.


Joe D, Peoria, IL USA

My thanks to Dr. Vince Tedjasaputra for providing me trustworthy guidance about diet, nutrition, and fitness recently. I am 69 years old, rather sedentary, and some positive change in lifestyle, I realized, had become imperative. He was a great coach regarding my use of a form of the ketogenic diet, which helped me lose weight, and sense a higher level of energy and alertness.

Dr. Vince shared his own progress with me via Facebook. While I’ll not match his example, it showed me how real results happen, using his guidelines. When some problems arose during my keto experience (keeping electrolytes in balance, monitoring blood pressure as I have mild hypertension) Dr. Vince counseled me, and his recommendations helped alleviate the problems in short order. Working with him, I never felt I was “fad” dieting, but rather, using sound approaches that yielded good results, steadily.

We continue to be in contact, which gives me a partner to whom I’m accountable for my work ~ and when I slough off or skip routine, he kindly but firmly encourages me to get back on track!

The Rev. D. Joe Dunlap, Peoria IL USA.

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